Sermons 2018

Fruit of the Spirit: Long Suffering

Pastor Scott Anderson
NLVC.TV, New Life Victory Church, Pastor Scott Anderson (PSA) Sunday Morning, 12/23/2018 Galatians 5:(16-26) 9 Fruits of the Spirit: The first three fruits reflect our attitudes toward God: Love, joy, peace. The next three fruits define our social relationships: long-suffering, kindness , goodness. The last three fruits are the principles that guide our christian life: faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Long-suffering: (Being Constant and, never giving in) Romans 2:(1-4) I Timothy 1:(15-16) II Peter 3:(8-9) Colossians 1:(9-12)
Sunday, December 23, 2018


Sermons 2018

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New Life Victory Church
2775 S. 26th Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49048
