Why Church Attendance is Important

Why Church Attendance is Important

Pastor Scott Anderson
Malachi 3:8-11, 16-17 By tithing... You free yourself from those that rob God You are free from the curse of the law You'll enjoy your church and pastor The windows of heaven will be open God will bless you The blessing will be larger than you can contain God will rebuke the devour The fruit of your ground will not be destroyed You will be fruitful and have increase All will call you blessed You will be in the book of remembrance before the Lord The Lord will spare you God loves a cheerful giver Luke 4:16 Going to church is important I am a disciple of Christ, a disciplined followed Jesus had a custom/habit to go to the Lord's House I shall be found in the House of the Lord I want to walk like Jesus walked Luke 14:15-24 Jesus wants His church filled Jesus called all those who had an invitation but not all came It is God's will to have everyone go to Heaven He wants His house full It's not that you miss a church service, it's when you decide something else is worth more Nothing is worth more than Jesus Property/Hobbies , business, and Family are the main excuses not to go to church It's important to be equally yoked in relationships If you neglect the things of God, you are in danger of loosing your salvation Being in agreement doesn't mean you are right all the time It is a privilege to come to church
Sunday, January 9, 2022


Why Church Attendance is Important

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New Life Victory Church
2775 S. 26th Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49048
